Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Three Hibiscus flowers

I have never noticed a Hibiscus flower before. I saw one today.
It had two layers of petals and I thought it looked really beautiful.

I thus took a photo of it

If you notice carefully , there is an insect dangling from the bottom of the outer most petal of rows.

A couple of more shots:

Hibiscus - Another shot

Hibiscus - 3

Sunday, July 24, 2011

There is no better time, than there is now.

There is no beginning, no end.
There was never any more inception or culmination
Than there is now.

Nor any more youth or age
Than there is now.
And never any more perfection or fallacy
Than there is now.

Nor any more heaven or hell.
Friends or enemies.
Darkness or light
Than there is now.

This is the time as good as ever to continue our journey
There is no better time
Than there is now.